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Tuesday, December 8, 2009


We are all reminded to drive safely on the road, be it during holiday seasons, to work, visiting relatives & friends etc. The government also has put their hands to decrease accident cases in Malaysia. However, not much things have been done especially the drivers who didn't practice safe driving. How could a road safety campaign to be a success if the people have not move their steps towards it?

Yesterday morning, my siblings & I have been informed that our 4 cuzzies had faced a car accident. An extreme one I assumed, coz from what I've heard their car fall into a big drain which makes the car crushed badly. Thank God for there's no death has been reported. Alhamdulillah.. One of them has recovered, the eldest had broken spines *if I'm not mistaken* , the 3rd has awaken but had a hole on her forehead *dunno how big is it* , and lastly the driver still not awaken yet due to traumatic lesions in the brain. My mom said his brain is "bleeding" and have to be sucked out. What made me feel shocked is that, after the procedure been done, it's either my cousin will recover & get healthy or recover but paralized here and there.. =| Dunno..

Let's just pray & hope that my dear lil cuzzies will recover & in pink of health. Sedekahkanlah surah Al-Fatihah kepada mereka. May Allah receive our prayers & let HIM do the rest. To all the people out there, Please Drive Safely. Remember your love ones.

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